The Waiting is the Hardest Part

This week (theoretically when you read this) Death by Cliché 2: The Wrath of Con releases. I'm not sure if all the formats will release at the same time. I'll probably save my big release announcement for either when all three formats are out or for when two of them are out and I know that the third will be on a considerable delay (if Audible sends back the audiobook for formatting work, for instance). Anyway, I write these in advance, so you might well already know the answer to that question before me. Perhaps I'm already annoying you in my social media stream. More likely, the formats are coming available in stages and I haven't said anything to announce the book yet.

I finished DbC 4 yesterday (as you read this). I'll parse that through the submission doc for the publisher and submit it pronto. Then I'll play my Halloween games (a yearly tradition) a little break before I start DbC 5's big edit.

This isn't a big post. The week before a release is a weird, tense time for me. I'll likely be more verbose next week.